Where do you begin when looking for a workers compensation attorney? First, you should search for a specific lawyer or law firm who specializes in workers compensation in your area. A lawyer who has experience dealing with workmans compensation can make the whole process much easier and less stressful.
Often the phone book route is pretty time-consuming, but you still need a lawyer for your case. Getting a referral for a good lawyer from friends and family members, especially those in legal professions or who have dealt with your type of situation themselves, will be happy to pass along their preferred attorney. Personal references, especially for something as tricky as workers compensation, are the best references you can get.
Once you find a workers compensation lawyer that fits your needs, then comes the interview process where you get to ask quick lists of questions to the potential attorney to ensure he is the right lawyer for your case. These questions will help you learn about the lawyer and how he works, and will also help you begin to understand what needs to be done to get a claim heard. Ask questions about education: did the attorney study in your area, or somewhere else? What kind of experience or previous work has he done in the past? Has he handled these kinds of cases before, or are you his first? What were the outcomes of some of his cases - how many has he won? You want an attorney who is experienced and well-versed in all aspects of workers compensation, particularly one who has worked in your area and knows the lay of the legal land.
Once education has been sufficiently vetted, ask a few questions about the process. Describe your case to the lawyer, and ask his honest opinion - does he think you have a case at all? What happens once the attorney takes your case? What kinds of forms and information will your lawyer require? Workers compensation cases are based largely on medical records, safety reports, and accident reports, so you'll need to find out which reports your attorney will need to make a solid case for your workers compensation claims. You'll find as you ask these questions that you'll quickly determine which lawyer is right for your case. Your next step will be to get to his office and start filing the paperwork. But don't worry, you'll be in good hands, as you've already assured.
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